Multicultural Mental Health Service. To get support today, call (02) 8403 1338 or leave your details here.

As this very long and challenging year comes to an end, I would like to take the time to wish everyone well. A lot of us struggle around the holidays. We all have our reasons. I would like to remind everyone that you are stronger than you think. And for times when you find it too hard to face things on your own  – I am here for you! Because it is OK to not be OK.

Wishing you a safe and joyous festive season. Take care of yourself. 

This is not a crisis service, if you or anyone you know is in crisis or experiencing suicidal ideation, is at risk of self-harm or causing harm to others:
  • Please call 000 immediately. 
Alternatively, the following are national crisis services that are free of charge: